Check out this introductory video devoted to the low price Linux hosting plans, which allow you to publish your very own or business sites on the world wide web immediately. All of the displayed plans are set with plenty of features, including a totally free Website Creating Application in addition to a cost–free Best Web Apps, which will help you write a weblog, a discussion forum, a photograph gallery, etcetera in minutes. What’s more, you will be able to register domain names for one’s sites and to manage everything from inside a convenient to use multiple–language Site Control Panel.

With us, it’s possible to make use of a totally safe Linux hosting service. We have developed our platform implementing excellent hardware and have invested time and energy in to changing our software, in order to warrant you a 99.9% uptime.

And with the assistance of the staff at our USA located datacenter, United Kingdom located datacenter, Finland located datacenter, East Europe located datacenter and Australia located datacenter, we have produced an incredibly efficient interior network, driven by carrier–class switches and routers. So we can guarantee a 99.9% network uptime with all of McKaySoftware Domain Sales’s web hosting deals.