A solid-state drive (SSD) is a media which uses flash modules so as to store info. The SSDs are still fairly new and more expensive compared to standard hard disk drives (HDD), however they are faster, so they are quite often employed for Operating Systems and apps on both personal computers and web hosting servers. An SSD is recommended because it doesn't have spinning disks that limit its speed and can even cause overheating as it could happen with an HDD. Lots of companies use SSDs for caching purposes, so all website content that is accessed more often will be kept on such drives, while all other content will be kept on standard HDDs. The reason to use this kind of a setup is to balance the price and performance of their Internet hosting platform and to lower the load on the HDDs resulting from numerous reading and writing processes.

SSD with Data Caching in Hosting

We use solely SSDs on our leading-edge cloud hosting platform and we've removed all HDDs on our production servers as to provide outstanding loading speeds for all aspects of our services - files, emails and databases. This way, all the content that you upload to your hosting account will be reachable very fast. To improve the performance of the websites hosted on our end even further, we also use multiple SSDs that work only as cache - our system stores regularly accessed content on them and updates it without delay. We employ this kind of a setup to ensure that multi-media heavy sites do not affect the performance of the other Internet sites hosted on our platform and this way all other websites can also take full advantage of the speed which the SSD drives provide. What's more, since the load on the main drives is reduced, their life-span shall be longer, that is one more guarantee for the safety and integrity of your data.

SSD with Data Caching in Semi-dedicated Hosting

In case you register for one of our semi-dedicated hosting solutions, we'll keep your content on SSD drives and this is valid not only for the files, but also for all the databases and email messages. This way, your script-driven apps and webmail will load very quickly. We work with dedicated SSDs for caching too. Traffic-intensive website content is duplicated automatically on these drives, so we ensure that a few heavy Internet sites which generate plenty of reading and writing processes will not affect the other sites which share the exact same drive. By reducing the overall system load we also raise the lifespan of the main storage drives and decrease the potential for a disk failure, so by employing SSD drives for caching purposes, we add an additional level of security for your content.